Title: “Nocturne” – premiered in July 2018 at Båstad chamber music festival. Dedicated to the pianists Roland Pöntinen and Love Derwinger.

Instrumentation: Two pianos

Duration: ca 4 min

Composed: June 2018


Title: Wedding Song –  “May the love”, lyrics – Christina Lövestam

Instrumentation: Song and piano (flute)

Duration: ca 2.5 min

Composed: December 2017

Recorded by Patrik Svedberg – piano and Anna Folkesson – song in december 2017.




Title: “Reflections of Gotland” – premiered in may 2016. Composed for Uppsala Chamber Soloists.

Instrumentation: String quintet

Duration: ca 14 min

Composed: Autumn 2015.

The recording is from “Ljudvågor” Festival in may 2016.

First and second movement: “Waves” – “Storm”

4th movement – “Light”

Score pdf: Reflections of Gotland – Final version


Title: “Satori Extended” – premiered in may 2016. Composed for the jazz trio on Gotlandsmusiken.

Instrumentation: Piano, percussion and bass

Duration: ca 7 min

Composed: January 2016

The recording is from “Ljudvågor” Festival in may 2016.

Score pdf: Satori Extended


[fvplayer src=”https://vimeo.com/173481346?utm_source=email&utm_medium=vimeo-cliptranscode-201504&utm_campaign=28749″ width=”650″ height=”400″ splash=”https://magnusbage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Skärmavbild-2016-08-28-kl.-16.35.07.png”]

Title: “With your compassion” – premiered in june 2016. Lyrics: Rabindranath Tagore.

Instrumentation: soprano, violin and piano

Duration: ca 3.30 min

Composed: may 2016. The recording is from Båstad Chamber music Festival in june 2016.



[fvplayer src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFCJgb0sKCs” width=”650″ height=”400″ splash=”https://magnusbage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Skärmavbild-2016-08-27-kl.-16.03.05.png”]

Title: “The Blue Tale” – premiered in 2010. Composed for Lars Jansson and Magnus Båge quartet.

Instrumentation: Jazz quartet

Duration: ca 5 min

Composed: January 2010

The recording is done at Nilento Studios in 2013.


SatoriGrupp Satori

Title: “Satori” – premiered in 2013. Composed for Lars Jansson and Magnus Båge quartet.

Instrumentation: Jazz quartet

Duration: ca 3 min

Composed: January 2016

The recording is made at Nilento Studios in 2013.


Title: “Childrensongs” – premiered 2012-2016. Composed for the jazz trio “TrioX” and the singer Matilda Bådagård.

Instrumentation: Jazztrio

Duration: ca 6 min

Composed: 2012-2016

The recording is a demo made in 2015-2016.


Song: Matilda Bådagård, TrioX and M. Båge – flute.


Song: Susanna Levonen, TrioX and M. Båge – whistle.



Title: “Missa Brevis” — commissioned by Västerleds community and their two church choirs, St: Birgitta and St: Ansgar church choir. Duration: ca 26 min

The premier took place the 19th of march 2017 and was very appreciated with standing ovation! The participants were among others Stockholm Concert Orchestra, Carina Olofsson, Magnus Bergman and the two churchchoirs in Västerleds community. Listen below to the recording from the premiere: